
5 ways Arnold Schwarzenegger could return as Dutch in Shane Black's The Predator!
Scified2016-05-02 19:02:01
Written by Chris25,694 Reads6 Comments2016-05-02 19:02:01

Arnold Schwarzenegger is currently in talks with Shane Black about potentially returning as his character Dutch in 20th Century Fox's upcoming fourth Predator sequel, officially titled ‘The Predator’. Considering director Shane Black recently revealed the film would be taking place in present day confirms the possibility of Arnold's character returning to the Predator universe, as this would account for his age. Not to mention, The Predator is said to be taking place directly after the events of the 1987 original, possibly neglecting ‘Predator 2’ and Robert Rodriguez’s ‘Predators’ from 2010, though Black has confirmed his Predator sequel will not retcon the existing sequels and that they will remain an intact part of the franchise’s series.

In an age where Hollywood is banking on the nostalgia of its current and most abundant market, the return of Schwarzenegger in one of his most iconic roles would be a no-brainer in terms of profitability. But how could they bring him back in a way that feels right, that would do the franchise justice as well as its fans and not come across as a simple money grab? Well, below are five potentially awesome scenarios in which Arnold Schwarzenegger could return to the franchise he helped define.

Dutch is back as a high ranking member of the military

Assuming Dutch didn't contract a lethal amount of radiation from the Predator's self-destruct device explosion, we could see Schwarzenegger return as an older, high ranking official in the United States military, perhaps even part of a secret division dedicated to tracking and studying the Predator. As we know, 1987’s occurrence was not the first and not the last time the Yautja have visited Earth to compensate their need to hunt and collect trophies of man. The extent of Dutch's involvement could be either large or small, but given his history and the fact that he battled and defeated Mankind's most powerful enemy with nothing more than rocks and sticks, would lead me to believe his role would not be a minor one.

5 ways Arnold Schwarzenegger could return for Predator 4

Dutch back in the fight, avenging his fallen brothers in arms

Old, but not obsolete. We've seen Schwarzenegger return as the Terminator and kick serious butt doing so in Terminator Genisys. It's clear Arnold isn't slowing down and certainly not out of shape. ‘The Predator’ could see the return of Dutch in a more recognizable role - a marine. Having lost his brothers in the fight against the Predator, Dutch could be seeking vengeance for his fallen comrades. In an attempt to get back at the Alien race, Dutch could very well take it upon himself to make it his life's mission to track and kill (or capture) Predators as they make their rounds to Earth.

5 ways Arnold Schwarzenegger could return for Predator 4

This of course could fuel a retaliation by the Predator race, in which they would send more experienced hunters to take out Schwarzenegger and the humans responsible for killing / capturing their own kind.

5 ways Arnold Schwarzenegger could return for Predator 4

Dutch as a solitary veteran, obsessed with the Predator and learning their ways

We could also see a very different side of Dutch - a crazy side. Having lived through what he lived through, Dutch would obviously not be the same as he once was. It's possible we could see Dutch as a solitary veteran, possibly even somewhat of a Hermit, living by himself, but still obsessed with the Predator race.

5 ways Arnold Schwarzenegger could return for Predator 4

We could see this version of Dutch taking it upon himself to track and hunt the Predators, not as part of a grand military initiative, but as a personal vendetta. Dutch, having learned the hunting style and ways of the Predator would be at an advantage when they do return. However, he would not be the only one watching for the Predator’s return; the US government would likely be keeping tabs on Dutch and watching his every move for leads on where and when the next Predator would touch down.

Dutch as a consultant offering insight to the US military on how to track and kill the Predator

A popular trend in Hollywood right now is the ‘passing of the torch’ from one generation to the next, in order to keep the story line alive while paying homage to those who created it's foundation. In ‘The Predator’, perhaps Dutch was exposed to lethal amounts of radiation after his clash with the Predator and now he's on borrowed time before he passes on. It could be a smaller cameo role, but one that could act as a means of passing the torch to the next warrior. Who that could be is unknown until casting details are revealed.

In this scenario however, Dutch would act as a consultant, offering insight to the Predator's ways as well as it's weaknesses, like hiding body heat and that water disrupts it's cloaking abilities. He could accompany a new team on a secret mission, tracking a Predator drop pod after it enters Earth's atmosphere. This could also set up for an epic re-acquaintance between Dutch and the Predator. Picturing this scenario, you could totally see Dutch facing the Predator head on, saying the words “I knew you'd be back” before engaging in an epic fight, similar to that of his original altercation. This would of course feed the nostalgia craving most fans are yearning for, while not being overly cheesy or misplaced.

5 ways Arnold Schwarzenegger could return for Predator 4 

Dutch's offspring avenge their father, vow to hunt the Predator

Taking the last scenario one step further, it's also possible Dutch may have had a son or daughter who have taken up the same profession as their father. After seeing the chaos and destruction it caused, not to mention the poisoning of their father, they have made it their mission to avenge their father by following in his footsteps and having joined a special unit whose purpose is to hunt the hunters. Like the previous scenario, Dutch could act as a mentor to his child/children, offering information on the Predator.

Alternatively Dutch could again, be a high ranking member in the US armed forces instead of a dying old man and lead a squad, who his son or daughter is a part of, on a mission against the next Predator arrival. This again could be a great way for Schwarzenegger to pass the torch to his child during their time together hunting the Predator.

5 ways Arnold Schwarzenegger could return for Predator 4

Whether or not ‘The Predator’ follows any of the above scenarios, even remotely, it would be truly awesome to see Schwarzenegger back as Dutch in a Predator movie. With 20th Century Fox giving Shane Black ample financial support and creative freedom, we here at Scified are hoping they choose to bring back the man that made the Predator such a massive success in a way that honors his legacy while still giving the fans something new and exciting to look forward to.

What do you think? Do you have any scenarios of your own you feel could be included in this list? Leave them in the comments section below for us to read!

Shane Black's Predator 4, aka. The Predator arrives in theaters March 2nd, 2018!

Discuss the latest news, rumours and speculation on Dan Trachtenberg's NEW Predator movie, titled Badlands - in development with 20th Century Studios and Disney in the Badlands Movie Forum!



MemberYoung BloodMay-02-2016 11:32 PM

I've had the same thoughts on this. Dutch would eventually take over the old general that originally paired him with Dillon. The only thing that bothers me is his morality. In a line of work where you have to use people as ponds to a greater cause, he's not really down with that. The hermit idea was also a good approach. To that i would add due to his character and morallity i mentioned, he hunts Preds for 2 reasons. 1) Vengeance and self procclaimed defender of earth against Preds. 2) To prevent the government from getting ahold of Pred technology which we are not ready to wield. About the other films, there is no need to even mess with them. They all have a place within the universe. AvP showed their maturity ritual. AvPR showed when things go wrong, you send a cleaner. PREDATORS expanded the universe and introduced the Bad Bloods. Predator 2 was a just a change of environment, same plot. Personally as a fanboy, I loved all the films. Could things of been better, sure. Could the film's have benefitted with a bigger budget, of course. Since I don't have a say at all on the movies production and don't have the money to make my own I simply accept what is giving and hope for the best. It's not like anybody cares for what I have to say. I'm stoked about this upcoming film though. A decent budget and somebody to has ties with the original and cares about the film. I'm all in. Keep them coming!!


MemberYoung BloodJun-10-2016 8:53 PM

I've also been thinking about this franchise and how they can bring Danny Glover and Arnold in the same screen since Shane Black has written work with both actors in previous films (lethal weapon saga). Maybe give Arnold the role as Dutch being held responsible for his squad  disappearing in the jungle, bcuz someone has to be accountable for something like that and a retired detective Harrigan becoming the hermit role, losing his mind and obsessed with what had happened to him during his jurisdiction in L.A. And locates Dutch in a maximum security prison or somewhere like that and both characters discuss among one another about what they have discovered and found as souvenirs and also giving the audience an opportunity to  flashback to a 1715 era, where a character called Rapheal so-&-so (name engraved on the old school pistol from Predator 2) maybe even exploring his brief encounter with the predator race???and also introducing a female yautja???(google it, if you don't think it's a bomb idea) would love to see a female bodied predator with a badass mask and swords, and advanced tech, etc... this is just my idea that I think someone more honorable can add more too, but to be perfectly honest, I will be happy with whatever move Shane makes as long as they invite "BOTH" Arnold and Danny Glover bcuz the original predator movies were classics to me and many others that can relate and if your gonna bring back one icon for the sequel? Why not hit two birds with one stone???? "The door swings both ways...."


AdminBroken TuskSep-13-2016 3:54 PM

Revisiting this post - I really do hope we get confirmation soon that Schwarzenegger is on for The Predator.


MemberElder PredatorSep-13-2016 4:35 PM

o cheaa!

Patient Leech

MemberBloodedSep-14-2016 6:54 AM

Please, no. He's not needed. Predators was good and didn't miss Ah-nold at all, imo. Arnold has become kind of an old caricature of his former self.

Patient Leech

MemberBloodedSep-16-2016 8:54 AM

I think they need to bring back Jesse Ventura. :|

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