MemberSuper PredatorJun-06-2018 2:20 AMPlease give thoughts.
Here is my basic idea for a Predator game:
1st person. You are on the hunt and will thrash humans hanging them upside down.
The thing is- why? What would be the motivation? If it is all about killing, that would seem to wear thin from a gaming perspective.
Perhaps there should be a human sect to be reckoned with- armed, smart and unpredictable.
I only have seen the movies- maybe other mediums answer these questions.
Anyway, this is just about brainstorming and having some fun.

MemberAlien HunterJun-06-2018 7:28 AMit becomes difficult for several reasons and movies have this problem aswell. we have logic mixed with sci-fi and its hard to make it believable that humans at this time can be viewed on the same level as the yautja as they have way more advanced tech than we do so other than predators, how do u get a group of humans light years away from earth to interact with them? only way is to do what was done in alien and set it in the future. id go the opposite way.
go back in time. the first yautja to come to earth do their blooding hunt and its successful yet they see the potential in man evolving into a serious prey. so when they are leaving they take a group of humans with them. those humans breed and evolve within yautja society. u play as one of these early abducted humans waking up on a hunting planet and have to survive but as u go and complete tasks the yautja teach u things about their past, their civilisation and their tech.all I have just now but still thinking

MemberSuper PredatorJun-06-2018 2:02 PMThat is an interesting idea! Maybe as you go along and advance, you begin to mutate and by the end of the game you are an actual Predator?

MemberElder PredatorJun-06-2018 6:37 PMA Predator action survival Role Playing game would be nice. Instead of experience points, you get honor points to level up. Cause Dishonor and you'll loose honor points and potentially your rank level.

MemberElder PredatorJun-07-2018 1:33 AMI like that idea Xenotaris!
Would be cool if it was also Open world, maybe like Mass Effect, explore a few star systems, hunt on different worlds, moons etc?

MemberSuper PredatorJun-07-2018 5:57 AMJust over four and a half years ago I proposed an open world Predator game that would borrow heavily from the Assassins Creed and Batman Arkham video games. You can read that proposition HERE.
I still believe that this is the most viable option for a Predator game, though I also believe that an optional first-person perspective could also be used, as games like Thief, Dishonored and Skyrim have showcased.

MemberAlien HunterJun-07-2018 7:11 AManyone played star wars KOTOR? as ur story progresses ur actions and conversations dictate whether ur a jedi or sith. maybe something similar where if u do something dishonourable u drift closer to becoming a bad blood and if u hunt honourably then u rise up the ranks in the clan. if u end up a bad blood maybe the last part of the game could be the other yautja hunting u and u have to escape the planet

MemberElder PredatorJun-07-2018 9:59 AM@ali81
Yes I have both KOTOR and KOTOR II: Sith Lords.
Having the honor system being based on KOTOR's light/dark side does sound a lot better.

MemberSuper PredatorJun-08-2018 8:57 PMAll great ideas. It would seem ideal to have a sandbox mission driven style game with 1st/3rd person options. Additionally, it could be done in a way with side missions and such for compleatists but unnecessary for those who want to just play through it for the story.

MemberElder PredatorAug-01-2018 8:23 AMI like the human sect aspect dk...tough rebellion.
A historical setting would be great (1800s London, American Civil War), as well as, jungle...and I have always liked the slow burn mutation you mention at the end. Yes.
ali81, wonderful idea on capturing humans and using this angle to explain detailed history, weapons, planets. I think this approach you describe is ideal for the content.
I'm about to start Aliens vs. Predator and Alien: Isolation (have the games have yet to buy PS3) and I'll have better recommendations regarding game play hopefully....and I can't wait to be a Predator..recommendations?
Genius Xenotaris...shaming those who dishonor.

MemberElder PredatorAug-02-2018 3:26 AM@Ingeniero
Thanks, I got the idea by playing tons of western role playing games that have a morality system. KOTOR duology, Mass Effect trilogy, and the Fallout series (except for Fallout 4).

MemberSuper PredatorAug-03-2018 12:45 AMI like the human sect aspect dk...tough rebellion.
Another possibility playing as a human would be using stealth and the ability to use/create mud and find other ways to mask your heat signature- giving temporary invisibility from the Predator(s). It would also be interesting to use things in the environment to makeshift decoys and traps. Like Alien Isolation, you would need to be judicious since the AI would wise up to your tactics and they would become less effective.

Jay The Zombie
MemberYoung BloodSep-17-2018 6:01 PMI think you should start off as a low ranked predator before they go on their first hunt. So as in all open world games you start off with nothing. And as the game progresses you earn new gear and weapons that you can choose from. Example.... heavy, medium and light armor types, close ranged weapons like wrist blade and the staff, or even become more of a stealth/trapper class. And even make up some kind of heavy class " a chain plasma gun would be dope".
By doing that already allows role systems for co-op play. Also allowing a pretty deep skill tree. Let's say that after a hunt is over you get paid by "honor points" like some one on here already said. How cool would it be to go back to your home planet and spend that " money" at a predator armory. Then we could also get real deep and say you kill enough aliens you can then research their DNA and gain properties that you can apply to your own biology for example being able to climb on walls or grow an alien tail.
I say make the game have a planet or something where people can go and pvp. Or have other players be allowed to join in your hunt and try to steal it from you. Because in the comics the predators have a pretty bad ass rule set they have to abide by.
Just some ideas I think are cool
You friend Jay The Zombie

MemberElder PredatorSep-17-2018 11:01 PMI think modifying your DNA would upset the elders unless your part of a bad blood faction.
Oooooh joining Clans would be an awesome mechanic. Make the game similiar to mount & blade where you can either join a clan or make your own if you so choice.

Jay The Zombie
MemberYoung BloodSep-18-2018 1:32 PMMaking a clan would be cool but only if you kill enough queens or something like that

MemberSuper PredatorOct-06-2018 10:41 PMThere could be different endings or rewards depending on how often cloaking is used. Using no cloak except for scripted/required parts would yield the best rewards/ending. Using cloak all the time would get a "meh" ending.